Journal Policy
General information
The editorial board and editorial board include leading scientists in the field of innovation and investment management, members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honored Scientists of Russia, laureates of the Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR and the Russian Federation.
Along with the economic aspects of innovation and investment activity, the journal will cover its legal aspects, the latest achievements and problems in the development of engineering and technology. The editorial policy is based on the fact that the journal should cover the research of not only major scientists, but also graduate students and applicants for academic degrees. A special place will be occupied by the publication of the results of doctoral dissertations. Questions of theory will be combined with reviews of the latest regulatory documents on the journal's issues, analysis of practical activities, criticism and bibliography. The journal is intended for a wide range of readers: researchers and practitioners in the field of economics, technology and law, undergraduates and postgraduates.
ISSN 2307-180X Certificate of registration of PI No. FS77-63555 dated October 30, 2015 Rospechat subscription index: 65039
The journal is included in the List of the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications, which should publish the main scientific results of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences
in the group of scientific specialties 5.2 "Economics"
5.2.1. Economic theory (economic sciences),
5.2.2. Mathematical, Statistical and instrumental methods in Economics (economic sciences),
5.2.3. Regional and sectoral economics (economic Sciences),
5.2.4. Finance (economic Sciences),
5.2.5. World Economy (economic Sciences)
5.2.6. Management (economic Sciences)
in the group of scientific specialties 2.1 "Construction and architecture"
2.1.1. Building structures, buildings and structures (technical sciences),
2.1.2. Foundations and foundations, underground structures (technical sciences),
2.1.3. Heat supply, ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply and lighting (technical sciences),
2.1.4. Water supply, sewerage, construction systems for water resources protection (technical sciences),
2.1.5. Construction materials and products (technical sciences),
2.1.7. Technology and organization of construction (technical sciences),
2.1.8. Design and construction of roads, subways, airfields, bridges and transport tunnels (technical sciences),
2.1.9. Construction mechanics (technical sciences),
2.1.10. Environmental safety of construction and urban economy (technical
sciences 2.1.11. Theory and history of architecture, restoration and reconstruction of historical and architectural heritage (art history),
2.1.11. Theory and history of architecture, restoration and reconstruction of historical and architectural heritage (architecture),
2.1.11. Theory and history of architecture, restoration and reconstruction of historical and architectural heritage (technical sciences),
2.1.12. Architecture of buildings and structures. Creative concepts of architectural activity (technical sciences),
2.1.12. Architecture of buildings and structures. Creative concepts of architectural activity (architecture),
2.1.13. Urban planning, planning of rural settlements (technical sciences),
2.1.13. Urban planning, planning of rural settlements (architecture),
Information partners
of the magazine are KNORUS Publishing House and Rusains Publishing House
The magazine is included in Ulrich's International Periodic Directory
eLibrary profile
The journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Compliance with Legislation in the Field of Mass Communications and Protection of Cultural Heritage.
Media Registration Certificate: PI no. FS77-63555 dated October 30, 2015
Rospechat subscription index: 65039
ISSN 2307-180X
Editor-in-chief: E. A. Sulimova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assoc.
Founder: Rusains LLC.
14 Kedrova str., bldg. 2, Moscow, 117218
12 times a year
Editorial Board
Abdikeev Niyaz Mustyakimovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Director of IPPiID (Financial University);
Ageev Oleg Alekseevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Scientific and Educational Center of the Southern Federal University "Nanotechnologies"; [ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1755-5371]
Baksheev Dmitry Semenovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, (Vice-President of RIA);
Velichko Evgeny Georgievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Building Materials and Materials Science (MGSU National Research University);
Galazova Svetlana Sergeevna, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Economics, K. L. Khetagurov North Ossetian State University
Gusev Boris Vladimirovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding member. RAS (President of RIA); [Researcher ID: J-3271-2017]
Burov Mikhail Petrovich, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Regional Economics and Natural Resources Management, State University of Land Management
Demyanov Anatoly Alekseevich, Doctor of Economics (Deputy Director of the Transport Security Department of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation);
Dobshits Lev Mikhailovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Construction Materials and Technologies (RUT (MIIT));
Yegorov Vladimir Georgievich, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, First Deputy. Directors (Institute of CIS Countries);
Kondrashchenko Valery Ivanovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Construction Materials and Technologies (RUT (MIIT));
Kolesnikov Andrey Viktorovich, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Department of Business Informatics (Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation);
Korovin Dmitry Igorevich, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor Department of Data Analysis and Machine Learning (Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation);
Kosarev Vladimir Evgenievich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assoc. Department of Data Analysis and Machine Learning (Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation);
Levin Yuri Anatolievich, Doctor of Economics, Professor (MGIMO); [Researcher ID: E-6019-2014]
Levin Boris Alekseevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, President (RUT);
Lozhkin Vitaly Petrovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Technological Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete);
Meshalkin Valery Pavlovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, acad. RAS, Head of the Department of Logic and Economic Informatics (Mendeleev Russian State Technical University);
Mumladze Roman Georgievich, Doctor of Economics, Professor (Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University);
Polyakov Vladimir Yuryevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Bridges and Tunnels (RUT (MIIT));
Popova Elena Vladimirovna, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Management Theory and Business Technologies (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics);
Saurin Vasily Vasilievich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Ishlinsky Institute of Mechanical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences)
Silvestrov Sergey Nikolaevich, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Distinguished Economist of the Russian Federation, Department of World Economy and World Finance (Finuniversitet); [ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7678-1283]
Sokolova Yulia Andreevna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Rector (Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship); [ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2576-6710]
Solovyov Vladimir Igorevich, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Applied Artificial Intelligence, MTUCI;
Chelnokov Vitaly Vyacheslavovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences (RIA)
International Council:
Palenius Ari, Professor, Director of the Kerava Campus of the Laurea University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
Jun Guang, Professor, Deputy Dean of the Institute of Economics and Business Administration, Beijing University of Technology (China) [ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9784-8125]
Vyacheslav V. Kafarov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Universidad Industrial de Santander (Colombia)
Lai Desheng, Professor, Dean of the Institute of Economics and Business Administration, Beijing University of Technology (China) [ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5957-3191]
Marek Vočozka, Professor, Rector of the Technical and Economic Institute in Czech Budejovice (Czech Republic) [ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9923-7814]
Grazyna Rakauskiene, Professor, Mikolas Romeris University (Lithuania)
Editorial Board:
Afanasyev Mikhail Yurievich, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Applied Econometrics (CEMI RAS);
Afanasyev Anton Alexandrovich, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Social Modeling (CEMI RAS);
Brizhak Olga Valentinovna, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor. Department of Economic Theory (Financial University);
Liliya Sabikhovna Valinurova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Innovative Economics (BashSU) [ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6771-9728];
Kasyanov Gennady Ivanovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, (KubSTU); [ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9848-7715]
Krinichansky Konstantin Vladimirovich, Doctor of Economics, prof. of the Department of Financial Markets and Financial Engineering, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Financial Research (Finuniversitet);
Lavrenov Sergey Yakovlevich, Doctor of Political Science, Professor (Institute of CIS Countries); [ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2939-0845]
Larionov Arkady Nikolaevich, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Economics and Management in Construction (MSSU); [ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9706-5131]
Larionova Irina Vladimirovna, Doctor of Economics, prof. Department of Financial Markets and Financial Engineering (FinUniversity);
Mazur Natalya Zinovievna, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Innovative Economics (BashSU);
Nikishkin Valery Viktorovich, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Educational and Scientific Laboratory of Professional training of employees of Educational Organizations (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics);
Nosova Svetlana Sergeevna, Doctor of Economics, Professor (MEPhI); [ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7507-0842]
Sulimova Elena Alexandrovna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics); [ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3975-6799]
Tikhomirov Nikolay Petrovich, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Distinguished Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Mathematical Methods in Economics (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics); [Researcher ID: L-6644-2017]
Turgel Irina Dmitrievna, Doctor of Economics, Prof., Deputy Head of the Department of Economics.Director for Science of the Higher School of Economics and Management of UrFU named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin;
Yudenkov Yuri Nikolaevich, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Rules for publishing articles
If you have any questions about publishing articles in our journal, please contact the editorial office. The article should contain the following information: full name of the author(s), place of work(study), contact information (phone, E-mail), abstract and keywords to the article (in Russian and English).Authors should attach to the article:
1. Extract from the decision of your department (sector, department) with the recommendation of this article for publication.
2. Recommendation of this article for publication from an external reviewer (Doctor of Science).
Recommendations must have signatures and seals certifying these signatures.
Contact information
Address: 14 Kedrova str., bldg. 2, Moscow, 117218.
Submitted articles are subject to additional review (expert evaluation) in the editorial office, selected by competition in connection with the publication plans of the journal. At the request of the author, the review (expert assessment) is provided by e-mail.
All materials published in the journal are subject to internal and external review.
1. The author, by sending his publications to the editorial office of the journal "Innovations and Investments" (hereinafter referred to as the Publication), grants the Publication the right to use his works (materials) selected by the editorial board in the following ways::
- reproduce the materials;
- distribute the materials;
- make the materials publicly available, including via the Internet;
- import copies of materials.
These rights are granted by the author to the Publication throughout the world from the moment of posting the material on the site and until the expiration of the exclusive right to the materials in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
2. Scientific articles that have received a positive expert assessment are usually published no later than six months from the date of receipt of the manuscript by the editorial office.
3. Postgraduates (adjuncts) are not charged for publishing their manuscripts.
4. Placement of advertising materials in manuscripts without the consent of the editorial board is not allowed.
Rules for submitting manuscripts
1. Scientific articles and reviews corresponding to the subject of the journal are accepted for publication in the journal "Innovations and Investments" (hereinafter referred to as the Journal).2. Manuscripts of publications in the Publication and the materials attached to them are submitted by the authors by e-mail to
3. The manuscript is submitted in Russian in one of the following formats: rtf, doc, docx. one file. Design parameters: A4 sheet size, all margins are 20 mm, page orientation – portrait, font-Times New Roman; font size-14 pt; line spacing-one and a half; hyphenation – automatic; text alignment – width; indent of the first line of the paragraph-1.25 cm. It is not recommended to use kerning (sparse or sparse). compressed font), subscript and superscript characters should not be used outside of formulas. The abstract should contain 100-200 words.
Surnames (except for the first letter and initials of the authors) should be written in capital letters, placed to the right and top of the title of the work, and aligned to the right edge. Academic titles and academic degrees of authors are written in capital letters and placed in a row below.
In accordance with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to indicate the position and place of work, as well as the email address or other type of communication with the author, which will be posted on the site. If the article has several authors, the listed information is specified for each of them.
The article title (except for the first letter) should be capitalized.
The information specified in clause 3 is provided in Russian and English.
Bibliographic lists of the article are also translated into English.
1. All graphic objects (diagrams, graphs, diagrams, drawings, etc.) should be embedded in the text of the article as an image with a resolution of 300 dpi in Grayscale format.
2. Tables should be typed in the "Table" format.
3. When typing formulas, the maximum formula length should not exceed 8 cm.
It is not recommended to use complex table design: various framing, combining and splitting cells, and so on
.If you need to use them, it is recommended to design the table in the form of a drawing.
Captions of illustrations, table headings, formulas, footnotes, references to literature are made out in text form in accordance with GOST.
4. The article should end with a bibliographic list (list of sources used), which indicates only bibliographic references that occur in the manuscript. The list is drawn up in accordance with " GOST R 7.0.5-2008. National standard of the Russian Federation. System of standards for information, library and publishing. Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of compilation".
5. As a rule, the volume of the article should not be less than 0.3 p. l. (12-14 thousand characters) and not more than 1.0 p.l. (40 thousand characters).
6. Manuscripts submitted to the editorial office must be proofread, edited, and reviewed internally and externally.
7. The Editorial board reserves the right to refuse to review a manuscript that does not meet the above requirements, and it does not return the manuscript, but notifies the author of the reasons for refusal (orally or by e-mail).
Manuscript review procedure
1. The Editorial Board reviews all materials submitted to the Editorial board for the purpose of their expert evaluation. All reviewers are recognized experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials and have published on the subject of the reviewed article for the last 3 years. Reviews are kept in the editorial office of the journal for 5 years.
2. The author of the article submits an extract from the decision of the department (scientific division) where the work was performed, containing the recommendation of the article for publication in the journal. The extract is signed by the head of the department (head of the scientific division) or his deputy, the signature is certified by the relevant personnel structure.
3. The author of the article submits a written and certified review by a specialist of the Doctor of Sciences, containing a recommendation of the article for publication in the journal.
4. The article submitted by the author is reviewed by an expert of the editorial Board of the journal (doctor, Candidate of Sciences) in the form of an expert questionnaire approved by the editorial board. The expert examination is closed in nature, the review in the form of an expert questionnaire is provided to the author of the article upon his written request, as well as upon a corresponding request to the Higher Attestation Commission and the Ministry of Education and Science, without a signature or indication of the reviewer's last name, position, or place of work.
5. The final decision to accept the author's article and place it in one of the issues of the journal is made at the meeting of the editorial board of the journal, which is recorded in the minutes.
6. The Editorial Board informs the author of the decision made upon his request. The editorial board sends a reasoned refusal to the author of an article that has not been accepted for publication.
Publishing ethics
The activity of the editorial board of the journal is based on ethical standards and recommendations published on the website (Committee on Publishing Ethics), according to which:
- on the basis of a unified approach to expert examinations, the editorial board of the journal is fully responsible for the content and quality of the published material;
- the decision to accept articles for publication is based on: the originality of the text, scientific expertise, etc. relevance and novelty of the material, reliability of statistical data and research results, compliance of the article with the profile of the journal and on the basis of objective arguments;
- the editorial board is fully responsible and has the authority to reject or accept articles for publication and should not have a conflict of interest with materials that are rejected or accepted for publication;
- the editorial board should be convinced that scientific research materials published in the journal comply with internationally recognized ethical standards;
- the editorial board constantly monitors compliance of journal staff, reviewers and authors with the norms of publishing ethics, the criteria for selecting articles;
- ensures the confidentiality of materials submitted to the editorial board until they are accepted for publication;
- the editorial board constantly works to improve the journal's activities;
- the editorial board strives to meet the needs of readers and authors as much as possible, protect freedom of speech, and promptly respond to complaints;
- the editorial board encourages discussions on topical issues of science among authors;
- the editorial board is ready to publish corrections of texts - the
editorial board ensures the anonymity of reviewers and the independence of the quality of the publication from commercial interests, strives to ensure that advertising, reprint or other commercial interests do not affect the editorial board's decisions;
- the editorial board constantly cooperates with other publishers and industry associations on various issues, including: ethical issues, tracking errors and publishing refutations;
- the editorial board has constantly updated instructions for authors on various issues related to the terms and conditions for publishing the results of their research in the journal.
Responsibility of reviewers:
- to participate in the formation of editorial policy;
- to follow the editorial policy that ensures maximum transparency and full accountability to the author;
- to make fair and impartial decisions that do not depend on commercial interests, and organize the process of objective reviewing;
- to observe the deadlines for reviewing articles and confidentiality of ratings;
- to ensure the confidentiality of reviews on articles;
- reviewers formulate the review objectively and impartially, if necessary confirming their opinion with a reference to the source;
- if the reviewer identifies incorrect, erroneous statements or distorted data, he informs the author about it so that he eliminates the identified violations and reports it to the editorial office of the journal in accordance with the established procedure;
- reviewers protect the integrity of publications, making corrections if necessary, and issue reasonable refusals to those whose manuscripts do not comply with research or publishing ethics;
- reviewers ensure that authors are aware of the requirements for research submitted for publication;
- reviewers monitor and prevent possible conflicts of interest;
- reviewers are constantly in contact with authors on the relevance of published materials, reliability and originality of submitted data;
- reviewers should highlight relevant published provisions that have not yet been cited.
Responsibility of authors:
- Submit original works to the editorial board, avoiding unfair citation, false data and parallel publications in other publications;
- adhere to generally accepted standards of scientific reporting;
- ensure access to the data they receive and confirm the sources of their data;
- the author can use financial support for the publication of his research
- a statement that all data in
the journal is available to the public. - authors must comply with the general requirements set by the editorial board for the design of publications, for their compliance with international publishing standards;
- in case of detection of incorrect, erroneous provisions or distorted data in the publication, the author must promptly eliminate errors and inaccuracies in the published works. these violations and notify the editorial office about it in accordance with the established procedure;
- authors have the right to appeal the editorial board's decision in case of refusal to publish the submitted material.
We would like to draw the authors ' attention to the fact that by submitting their article to the journal, they agree to publish it by publishing it in this journal and grant the Publisher an exclusive license to use it for a period of 5 years from the date of publication of the article (reproduction of the Article or its separate part in any material form, including including on paper and electronic media in the form of a separate work, as part of the Journal and/or in the databases of the Publisher and/or other persons, at the discretion of the Publisher; distribution of the Article or its separate part on any medium in the form of a separate work, as part of the Journal and/or in the databases of the Publisher or at the discretion of the Publisher and / or Founder of the Journal; making the Article or its separate part publicly available with the possibility for any person to access the Article from any place and at any time of their own choice (including via the Internet); public display of copies of the Article or its separate part; processing, including translation of the Article (including in English), and use of the revised (translated)version. Articles using the above methods; sublicensing (granting rights to use the Article and its individual parts obtained under this Agreement to third parties).
Rusains LLC 14 Kedrova
str., bldg. 2, Moscow, 117218