Magazine «Innovation & Investment»
Magazine «Innovation & Investment»

Magazine «Innovation & Investment»

ISSN 2307-180X
Certificate of Registration PI No. FS77-63555 dated October 30, 2015
The journal is included in the List of the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia (category K2) leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main scientific results of the dissertation for an academic degree should be published Doctor and Candidate of Sciences

in the group of scientific specialties 5.2 “Economics”

5.2.1. Economic theory (economic sciences)
5.2.2. Mathematical, statistical and instrumental methods in economics (economic sciences)
5.2.3. Regional and sectoral economics (economic sciences) 5.2.4. Finance (economic sciences)
5.2.5. World Economy (Economic Sciences)
5.2.6. Management (economic sciences)

in the group of scientific specialties 2.1 “Construction and architecture”

2.1.1. Building structures, buildings and structures (technical sciences)
2.1.2. Foundations and foundations, underground structures (technical sciences)
2.1.3. Heating, ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply and lighting (technical sciences)
2.1.4. Водоснабжение, канализация, строительные системы охраны водных ресурсов (технические науки),
2.1.5. Строительные материалы и изделия (технические науки)
2.1.7. Технология и организация строительства (технические науки)
2.1.8. Проектирование и строительство дорог, метрополитенов, аэродромов, мостов и транспортных тоннелей (технические науки)
2.1.9. Строительная механика (технические науки)
2.1.11. Theory and history of architecture, restoration and reconstruction of historical and architectural heritage (art history)
2.1.11. Theory and history of architecture, restoration and reconstruction of historical and architectural heritage (architecture)
2.1.11. Theory and history of architecture, restoration and reconstruction of historical and architectural heritage (technical sciences)
2.1.12. Architecture of buildings and structures. Creative concepts of architectural activity (technical sciences)
2.1.12. Architecture of buildings and structures. Creative concepts of architectural activity (architecture)
2.1.13. Urban planning, planning of rural settlements (technical sciences)
2.1.13. Urban planning, planning of rural settlements (architecture)

The editorial council and editorial board included leading scientists in the field of innovation and investment management, members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, honored scientists of Russia, laureates of the Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR and the Russian Federation. Along with the economic aspects of innovation and investment activity, the pages of the magazine discuss its legal aspects, the latest achievements and problems in the development of technology. The magazine is intended for a wide range of readers: scientists and practitioners in the field of economics, technology and law, students and graduate students.

Current issue  -  №2 2025 Инновации и инвестиции
